Praising God in Central Tennessee

Come visit this Sunday @ 10:30 am in Bon Aqua. We’re glad to meet you.


We are very blessed to welcome you to this Home Church, modelled after the churches of the New Testament. We pray, we worship, we study the Bible and we eat and fellowship together.

New Sermons

A Life of Service

Service What do you think of when you think of service? Perhaps old images of service – where the poor were VERY poor… When even servants were effectively slaves and had to work a certain number of years to gain their freedom. Perhaps your view of service is a much more modern perspective – services such as hair salons, restaurants or customer service centers. Biblical Service What did the Bible writers have in mind when they spoke of Service? Service,…

The Price of Everything

How was the early church organized? Who led the Churches? What are the lessons for us today for how we should organize Churches today?

In the Wilderness

How was the early church organized? Who led the Churches? What are the lessons for us today for how we should organize Churches today?


Does God open and close doors for us? Does he guide our steps? If this is possible how does it happen? In what ways does God use doors to guide believrs?

I'm New Here

We welcome you this Sunday…

Church Blog

The Shift

A Shift is occurring. It is a change in seasons. The season of refinement will draw to a close after we have decluttered and accepted the path that God has laid out for us. Are you ready to Shift from Hustle to Holiness?

Ravenous Wolves

There is evil in the world. What do we choose to walk away from and what are walking towards? We must use great discernment in our choices or run the risk of endlessly running from one evil to another.

Creating Intergenerational Division

Divide and conquer, drive disunity and push for identity politics. These are all worldly approaches to maintain power and control – how should we respond as the Church, and what can we do to prevent harm to ourselves, our family and the Body of Christ?

Online Giving

Tithe and give offerings with our online giving via Tithely.

Tithely is a secure online platform used by Churches large and small. You can give, rest assured, that your information is secure.

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  • Schedule recurring giving with an account
  • Give online via our secure form
  • 5 minutes or less is all it takes to get started

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