Sermons from 2023

Sermons from 2023

The Price of Everything

How was the early church organized? Who led the Churches? What are the lessons for us today for how we should organize Churches today?

In the Wilderness

How was the early church organized? Who led the Churches? What are the lessons for us today for how we should organize Churches today?


Does God open and close doors for us? Does he guide our steps? If this is possible how does it happen? In what ways does God use doors to guide believrs?

God’s Workshop

God is in the details, and He has equipped us with so much more than we could ever know we possess. Explore how God equips us with the tools we need to follow His calling on our lives.

God Works in the Small Things

Satan and the World .. want you to believe that you are insignificant … an insignificant speck in an indescribably large universe. God gave us a beautiful, amazing, world to live in. They even twist this to make us feel small and insignificant. From the Mountains… To the lush Coastlines… To the Savannas of Africa… God created it all for us to live in and to steward. Even the man-made structures and cities are designed to make us feel small…

Staying Wild

How was the early church organized? Who led the Churches? What are the lessons for us today for how we should organize Churches today?